Monday, September 27, 2010

The Worst Part is the Not-Knowing

Baby is head down, and apparently has dropped! I have been feeling ok sometimes and pretty miserable others. We took Jocelyn to the park the other day and I'm sure all the other mother's thought I was nuts crawling around on the play equipment with Jocelyn being this pregnant! I did pretty good if I don't say so myself. Jocelyn has so much fun going down the slides... and attempting to crawl back up them.

Last night I woke up and my whole side was in pain, it still hurts now if I lay down. Sleeping is getting impossible. I think I can take the pregnancy pains but the mental part is rough. It seems so far away but I know it's close. More than likely this is because you just never know WHEN. Will it be hours or days or weeks? It is less than 2 weeks now till my due date.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So Miserable

I have been so so tired lately. I really just want to go to bed. I cannot believe I still have 23 days until my due date, and more than likely will end up being late. I should be thankful because I still have some things I need to do, but I have been so uncomfortable and the baby has been so uncooperative. (not that she knows any different). Work has been a hassle lately. They have 3 large events and keep dropping things on me last minute. I'm trying to stay caught up so I don't have to just drop everything when I go but it is looking like that is how it is going to be.

I found out last week that I may get paid the whole time I am off. Last year it was really really hard not getting paid while I took flma time. This year 3 people have told me they are going to donate sick time for me, which is great.

Jocelyn's birthday party went good :) There was only a few of us but I think for her age that is best. She had an elmo birthday, complete with elmo birthday cake. I can't believe she is 1 now. I love her soooo much! Sometimes I worry how she is going to adjust with the second baby, hopefully it's well.

I really think nap time should be included into our work schedules, I could really use one!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's getting closer!

One year ago today we were praying for Jocelyn to come on 09/09/09! God had other plans in store though!

Things are really weighing on my mind! My daughters first birthday is on MONDAY! We are celebrating Sunday but I have done NOTHING for it. Partly because we never go anywhere and partly because taking Jocelyn anywhere is a lot of work. The girl just will not sit still, she just cries because she wants to get down and run! I can put her down but catching her is another story, so stressful! We have a few fun things in mind to get her, other than that the girl needs socks and jeans and pajamas in particular. She had a growth spurt and the girl is all leg! She is in 12 month stuff for length but she is so skinny because she never sits still! Which is a good thing health-wise :) Charles loves chasing her around the house, I love watching, I can't really move that much at the moment being 9 months pregnant!

As for Gracelyn she is coming soon, we have a lot of what she needs except maybe some more sleepers and socks and onsies. What I really would like is a double stroller, but we can't find one cheap enough. Maybe after I go back to work. I also need a new wrap to carry the baby but we are going to have to hold off on that too I think. Some things I can make, I just have to find the time and energy to do it! Last time I didn't have a toddler running around climbing on top of everything. She seriously scares me to death sometimes. We try to get her outside some to let her wear some of that energy off. She ran so much this weekend being at 2 picnics I don't know how she was still going after she was done.

I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore. This one has been a lot harder on me physically, but at the same time I don't feel AS pregnant as I did last time. That may change here in a few weeks. Charles has been informed that now instead of one weekend off one weekend on it is now 2 weekends on 2 weekends off. We will see how this works... I really wish he would just be hired already. It will be a year in December and it is creeping up fast. I know God is providing for us, sometimes we wanna have fun and be able to make plans too!