Monday, December 20, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My babies are getting bigger!

Jocelyn is climbing on everything! The entertainment center, the kitchen table... everytime I turn around she is on something else she should not be on! The girl is a climber! Cannot wait till she is old enough to be involved in some things to wear out this energy! She is so cute and her hair is getting so long! Curls galore :) She is saying more and more words and I cannot keep up with the girl! She LOVES her baby sister, she giggles in delight at her then will go and do something and she will see her again and come right back trying to tickle her! Gracelyn on the other hand is so small she cannot defend herself as Jocelyn is always taking her pacifier... and then trying to put it back in Gracelyn's mouth. I have no idea how much my little munchkin weighs now... but I do know that she is going to catch up to Jocelyn very quickly! She goes to sleep at night but is not sleeping through the night yet, we usually get up 2 times a night.

Charles has finally been hired on at Roselawn!!! He is earning vacation time now and has sick time, we are greatful. It is still hard though because since he works 1/2 the weekends in the month it is hard to plan to do anything with anyone. We never know for sure if he is going to have off or not.

I am back to work and enjoying it. I don't think I could hack being a stay at home mom, I really like being able to get out of the house and doing something, it makes me feel productive. Childcare on the other hand is a horrible horrible thing! We are paying 170 dollars a week! YIKES!