Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3rd Trimester and J is 10 months

Things are moving along. Our little family of 3 has had some car problems. We are hoping to get them all sorted out this weekend. In the meantime we got a van which is a big help. Once we get the other 2 cars up and going 1 of them will be going to my parents, they are a 1 car family! I'm sure the neighbors think we are nuts. We have both our cars in the driveway, the van, and oftentimes Charles work vehicle is out there too.

I am finally getting to the point where I am feeling like things at the apartment are getting in order. I just have to finish our room, rearrange it and figure out the best way to fit the bassinet in there for baby #2 born in October. This pregnancy has gone by really fast, most of it I attribute to the fact that I'm trying to chase down Jocelyn every other second. The girl is on the move and there is NO stopping her! She has taken a step on her own, but mostly she is using the furniture to help her walk around. We got a stand up toy table and instead of playing with it she pushes the thing around like a walker. With Charles "wrestling" with her all the time (which she loves) the girl knows how to defend herself. It is so funny to watch her tackle him. She is going to be 1 in a few months and I just can't believe it!

Everything is going ok with the new baby we are told. I have had a lot of problems and pain, I have been seeing a chiropractor 3 times a week. I will go next week for a scan to see if it has helped at all. It's hard going because I have to take Jocelyn to the appointments with me. They have a jumper for me to put her in but she cries the whole time while they are twisting and bending and popping me.

Charles has been on call more because one of the funeral directors quit. They are "trying" to get some other people in there to do some of the night calls. He is looking forward to baby 2, I'm not sure it has really hit him yet though...

I'm really looking forward to October, the baby will be here and we will get to see many of you that are coming down for covered bridge!