Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time Flies

Well, we had our ultrasound on Friday, things seem to be going ok. The baby measured 2 days ahead so she is right on track. It was a big relief, it was also a relief that we know for sure its a girl! That was pretty clear! We plan on naming her Gracelyn, nickname Gracie. She has less than 6 weeks left! We are getting things ready. Right now we just have to get necessities like onsies, socks, and diapers. There are a few other things we would like to have but none of them are necessities. It has been fairly easy since we just got done with all of this!

Jocelyn is going to turn 1 on the 13th and I have no idea what we are going to do. I guess I should figure out something! I just can't believe she is that big. I can't keep up with her running everywhere. Good thing she is turning 1 too because she detests baby food anymore, she has been eating a lot more table food. She has 8 teeth so she can get it down pretty easily. She also loves drinking out of straws, I had to go find a sippy with a straw attached, it makes her feel more grown up. It's so funny to watch this little girl doing all these things!

I'm struggling at work keeping myself occupied, I have things to do but I just don't want to be here. Really ready for my time off even if I will still be working! Charles won't get to take much time off besides when I'm in the hospital, oh the joys of having no vacation time and contracting work.

That's it for now!

Monday, August 16, 2010

What to do....

The date is getting closer, I just wish it would go faster! I had a doctor's appointment Friday and she wants me to have another ultrasound the 27th at my next visit. The baby was at 35 cm before last visit (which is about 5 cm larger than it shoulda been around that time) and it was 35 again Friday. She is a little worried since it does not look like the baby has grown the past 2 weeks, but it is kind of good since she was so much bigger... we will see what happens. Until then I am a bit worried.

Work for me right now is pretty miserable. I can not stay comfortable at all. Still seeing the chiropractor twice a week and I think it helps. Charles has been having to help me with more since I am in so much pain. Right now I just wanna sleep until October!

Jocelyn is walking around like crazy. She is so excited she knows how to walk and loves her sippy cups. I cannot believe she is going to be 1 next month. This year has gone by really really fast!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Days are Long, Weeks are Fast

I've officially started the 3rd trimester, we are getting there. Just 10 more weeks to go, this feels like a very short time but it also feels like forever. I'm so ready to not be pregnant any more! Tired and out of breath all the time! Charles is still working on a name, until then it's just baby #2.

Mom and dad came down yesterday, they helped us baby proof some. It is a big help, Jocelyn is into EVERYTHING. Saturday we were at mom's house and I turned around for 1 second and turned back around and my daughter was standing on top of the dishwasher door. I THINK I'M IN TROUBLE! Not only that but she wants to eat everything, she loves lemons and pickles.

I'm bogged down at work right now, and with the extra work instead of working harder I just don't want to do anything. Some of the time I can't because I'm waiting on other people to get back to me for this or that. I'm gettin little by little done, I just wish I had more drive. I'm really ready to have this baby and get some time off. I haven't had an actual vacation in 2 years. Granted when the time comes I still will be busy and crazy, just in a different way. Charles won't get to take the week off with me either, so I'm going to be busy... Let's hope my sanity is still in tact after all this is over with!