Monday, May 3, 2010

17 Weeks Pregnant and many changes are coming!

The past week or so has created many changes for our near future. We are excited about most of them. I am 17 weeks pregnant and 3 days, and I am doing well on that front. I have lost a little bit of weight with this pregnancy which makes me feel good. I'm hoping I don't gain as much as I did with Jocelyn! Because I am pregnant and am getting bigger and Jocelyn is getting bigger it has led to some problems. Getting her up the stairs is fairly scary, I have about fallen multiple times. I can't get her up the stairs while she is in her car seat, she is just way to heavy and my balance sucks right now! This has led us to looking for a different apartment.

We plan on moving in 2 weeks, am dreading packing! It is right by Charles work which is excellent because that way when he is on call he doesn't have to drive 15-20 minutes out of the way to get the company van to drive back in town and then drive back out of town 15-20 minutes again. This will cut down on his time it takes him while he is on call... and when the calls are at night that is excellent! Since I am being layed off we couldn't afford much more than what we were paying, so our apartment isn't that big, but at least this one is a 2 bedroom with a washer and dryer!

Jocelyn is getting so big, she started crawling a few weeks ago and now she is all about finding things that she can hold on to to help her stand up! Today she hit her head and got a bump, it almost made me cry. This is very scary, we need to babyproof! But it is kinda pointless till we move. We are planning on babyproofing as we move, and some furniture will not be making the cut.

Charles is optimistic about being hired on soon, they have to wait till the new company fully takes over which he thinks is at the end of May. He is starting the church softball team and his first game is Friday, I am so excited to go watch him play! It will be good for him and will help us meet more people too. He is also singing in a quartet in front of the church on Mother's day, that is going to be very special. Charles has a great voice and everyone is always asking him to sing, but he is too shy, this will be a first for him!

That is about it for us. If I get my scanner working I will get the ultrasound pictures up from about 7 weeks ago. We will know if we are having a boy or a girl in 2 weeks. We are excited, but Charles says it shouldn't be much of a surprise, he is convinced its a boy! WE WILL SEE!